Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hello, my prayers are going out to Yoda! You keep on and the little darling will get better. And Cleo's mom is right..she told me the same thing about the vomit! Tink would vomit 2-3 times a day for the first week!! i took a very different approach to my Tinkerbell and she is (knock on wood)improving every day. Today, SHE ATE DRY FOOD 3X ON HER OWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Hills I/D) I went ahead and fed her her usual 2hr feedings and then at 4pm she vomited ALL OF IT UP. Finally the vet called me back cause I was freaking out about her eating!!! and he told me to go every 4hr AS LONG AS SHE EATS DRY FOOD ON HER OWN! I obviously fed her way to much today (I had no clue on what to do until he called). Alot of this is just alot of internet searching and take it day by day and just praying. Tink is bathing alot more, walking around the house more and lets me brush her alot. I guess with having pancreatitis and FLD, she is just battling a tough road. Alot of her yellow is going away, and her nose is really pink. So, hopefully she is on the road to a healty life again. Please pray for Tink and I will have Yoda in my prayers as well.

Oh, I read on another FLD site that to keep a cat ALIVE, he/she needs to eat 36cc of food a day , and that the more they eat (without vomiting) over those 36cc will help them get better. If I can find that site again, I will let you know...(It might of been on Katharine's Link page).

1 comment:

blueeyedsusan said...

do you think your cat is getting better and are you scared and unsure?
I'm glad your cat is eating some, that is so much of a good sign and I hope my cat soon eats.